We are pleased to announce the SMBE Satellite Meeting on Mechanisms of Protein Evolution II: Thermodynamics, Phylogenetics, and Structure (MPEII 2013), to take place at the University of Colorado Denver’s Anschutz Medical Campus, February 7-9, 2013.
The meeting aims to broadly cover the interface of protein evolutionary mechanisms, models of amino acid substitution, genomics/systems biology and phylogenetics. Topics also include adaptation, coevolution, convergence, neutral processes including mutation, prediction of folding, prediction of mutational effects, the influence of protein-protein interactions on protein evolution, and the interaction of next-gen sequencing and model development. This is a small meeting, with plenty of opportunity for interaction. Talks by students as well as more senior folk are encouraged, and there will be a poster session this year in addition to talks. This meeting is also partially sponsored by BMC Evolutionary Biology and the UC Denver Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, Program in Computational Bioscience, and Consortium for Comparative Genomics.
Confirmed invited speakers include: Belinda Chang, University of Toronto; Andy Clark, Cornell University; Richard Goldstein, National Institute of Medical Research (UK); Nicolas Lartillot, University of Montreal; David Liberles, University of Wyoming Michael Lynch, Indiana University; James McInerney, National University of Ireland-Maynooth; Mary O’Connell, Dublin City University; David Pollock, University of Colorado School of Medicine; Jeff Thorne, North Carolina State University; and Naomi Ward, University of Wyoming.
More information and registration can be found at The early registration deadline is December 15, 2012. A ski trip at Copper Mountain (CO) is being planned for attendees in the day(s) that follow the meeting. We hope you can join us in Denver for this event.
David Pollock, James McInerney, and David Liberles
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